This guide will help you create and install a self-signed SSL certificate in Apache on OSX (High Sierra) to aid local SSL/HTTPS development.
UPDATE: Nov 21st 2018 – This works on OSX Mojave too.
I usually force HTTPS traffic on everything I develop (see code below in PHP). This PHP code will direct all HTTP requests to HTTPS.
Also, you can deny non-https traffic in NGINX with online servers by editing your/etc/nginx/sites-available/default file
Add this to your Nginx sites available file (above) to force SSL at the web server.
You can also deny port 80 connections in your firewall and NGINX if you don’t trust the directive(s) above.
Apache Configuration (sor https)
Edit httpd.conf
Uncomment lines with these text strings in httpd.conf
"socache_shmcb_module" (
or “LoadModule socache_shmcb_module libexec/apache2/”
) "ssl_module" (
or “LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache2/”
I had to find my and “httpd.conf” file
Find your “httpd-ssl.conf” file
Copy the config file (just in case a future update overwrites it).
Now go back and edit the “httpd.conf” file
Add the following line (to the end of the file, on a new line) so the new SSL config file loads.
You can have a look at the file “httpd-ssl-localhost.conf”. Take note of paths in the VirtualHost node.
Generating a Key and Certificate
Generate a Key (I prefer filenames start with “localhost” so future updates to not overwrite it).
Check that file files ” localhost.crt” and ” localhost.key” were outputted to “/private/etc/apache2/”
pwd /private/etc/apache2 192-168-1-200:apache2 simon$ ls -al total 208 drwxr-xr-x 13 root wheel 416 18 Dec 00:33 . drwxr-xr-x 128 root wheel 4096 16 Dec 19:41 .. ... -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1318 18 Dec 00:33 localhost.crt -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1708 18 Dec 00:33 localhost.key ...
Open “/private/etc/apache2/original/extra/httpd-ssl-localhost.conf” and replace the following text.
Replace the following text:
- “server.crt” with “localhost.crt”
- “server.key” with “localhost.key”
Changes shoud have been made to the following values in “<VirtualHost _default_:443>”
SSLCertificateFile “/private/etc/apache2/localhost.crt”
SSLCertificateKeyFile “/private/etc/apache2/localhost.key”
Check your apache conf
I had the following error
I removed the invalid first line (I must have inserted something while searching using nano (I must have presses Option+W instead of Control+W to find in Nano)).
I ran the Apache config check again and received the following error.
I added my domain but with a 2 on the end for later use via local DNS.
<VirtualHost _default_:443> ... ServerName ...
TIP: This will not by default allow you to load this address locally without, not without DNS changes (to be added soon).
Restart Apache (you may still receive a warning about the ServerName (I Ignored it)).
Restart Apache
Loading Your Site
You can now load the website localhost in your browser (it will show as insecure).
Click “Proceed to localhost (unsafe)”
The reason for no trust is the self-signed cert is not trusted by OSX or browsers.
OSX Certificate Trust (Key Chain Access)
Let’s tell OSX we trust this certificate (by adding it to the keychain)
Restart Apache
TIP: Check your certificate date in your browser, and clear your cache if older certificates are loading from cache.
Great, Safari uses the SSL cert (and obeys Keychain’s Trust)
Google Chrome reports the Cert has issues (even though it is trusted locally). I will investigate and update this post soon.
I suspect that Chrome will need to trust this cert fully to allow AJAX and API calls to be made.It’ss weird that Google Chrome has detected it is trusted by all users but does not trust it.
This is my next link to research a solution.
Read Useful OSX Terminal Commands or Useful OSX Linux Commands and Securing an Ubuntu VM with a free LetsEncrypt SSL certificate in 1 Minute first.
Hope this helps someone.
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Revision History
v1.4 Nov 208 – Works on Mojave
v1.3 Small Edits, Added link to investigate Chrome issue (Current Version)
v1.2 Added More Explanations
v1.1 Reworded
v1.0 Initial Version