IoT, Bigdata, analytics and mobile disruption and are seen as futuristic stories from a child’s bedtime book, something you open, read without though and put back on the shelf.
Articles drum up or down the importance of IoT and big data and readers are often left with the impression that you can only
implement bigdata if you have deep pockets. Many people ignore the constant predictions that this is the year or IoT and big data and stick what they are doing in business now.
What is IoT and big data? It is happening now (beacons, streets, traffic lights, free wifi at shopping centres. Coles weekly specials, ads. Dick smiths selling your data. Data is the new credit report.
How can you implement it and what is the future of IoT personalisation.
Integrate (API), small steps, Mobile integration. Facebook launched small, they did not have many features at the start.
Privacy and security.
Customer-focused. Digital Carrots.
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