This short post will show you how (and why) you should add email aliases to email accounts for previously added domains.
Here are my two posts related to setting up a new suite account and adding a second domain to an existing GSuite account. I used to have my own C Panel domain but moved all servers to self-managed servers first on Digital Ocean then AWS then Vultr. Vultr is now my preferred hosts as they are affordable and have server locations in Australia.
Login to your G Suite with an admin account.
Click Users
I tried to add an email alias to existing 2x domains in Google Suite (the help did not align with the screens I was seeing in my admin consoles), there was no email alias section)??
Official Google Help:
Every user in a G Suite account has a
primary address
for signing in to their account and receiving mail. If a user wants another email address, you can create an
email alias
for them.
Why use an alias?
If [email protected] wants a sales address to post to the company website, you can create the alias
. Mail sent to either address then appears in Ann's Gmail inbox. You can add up to 30 email aliases for each user. Users continue to sign in to their G Suite account with their primary address, not an email alias.
I fired up the G Suite support
I wanted to add the following email aliases of “security@..”, “admin@..” and “root@..” to an existing email on 2 domains to support security disclosures (post soon (nope Troy Hunt beat me, read his post on security disclosure here)).
While I was waiting for the support chat I figured out the email alias thing, it turned out I needed to click the “Account” header on the user screen (I did not realise “account word was clickable).
Solution: How to add Aliases
You need to click the account heading (It’s a link apparently).
When the Ajax content loads you can scroll down to alias section.
Tip: There is no “Apply” or “OK” button when adding aliases so just press enter.
Now if you want to be able to send as the new alias you need to add the aliases in Gmail.
Now you can send via this email alias in GMail or via CLI via the primary account 🙂
Read my blog post on sending email from the command line via G Suite.
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Revision History
v1.1 Added Troy Hunt “Data Breach Disclosures” link
v1.0 Working Copy.
Hope this helps someone.