This guide hopes to show you how to set up a Digital Ocean Droplet (server) as a Sub Domain on an existing AWS domain. I am setting up a Digital Ocean Domain as a subdomain (both existing) and using the subdomain (Digital Ocean server) as a self-service status page. I have set up both domains with SSL certificates and strong Content Security Policies and Public Key Pinning.
Read this newer post on setting up Subdomains.
DO: Obtain the IP addresses for your Digital Ocean Droplet (that will be the subdomain). If you don’t already have a Digital Ocean Droplet click here (and get 2 months free).
Login to your AWS Console for the parent domain. I have a guide on setting up an AWS domain here and Digital Ocean Domain here.
This AWS guide was a handy start Creating a Subdomain That Uses Amazon Route 53 as the DNS Service without Migrating the Parent Domain.
From the AWS Route 53 screen, I clicked Get started now.
From here you can Create a Hosted Zone.
Create a Hosted Zone.
A subdomain can be created on AWS Route 53.
I created a route 53 A Name record and pointed it to a known Digital Ocean droplet IP address.
I created an A Name record on Digital Ocean for the droplet (e.g
I created an IPV6 (AAAA) record on Digital Ocean for the droplet?
I could not ping the server so I added the digital ocean name servers to the route 53 record set out of desperation.
Final Route information on AWS.
Hmm, nothing works as of yet. is not showing movement yet.
Time to contact AWS for advice.
I tried to post a help post on the AWS forums but apparently, a user who has been paying AWS for 6 months does not have the right to post a new forum thread.
I posted a few helpful questions on twitter and I’ll try these out tonight.
Thanks, guys, I’ll try these tonight and update this post.
I created a recordset for the parent domain on AWS and A record for the Digital Ocean subdomain with no luck.
This post will be updated soon.
Read my guide on Securing an Ubuntu VM with a free LetsEncrypt SSL certificate in 1 Minute.
v1.9 added info on let’s encrypt (10:38pm 29th July 2017 AEST)
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