I have seen some seriously talented people lately who have obtained knowledge or skills that I find awesome. These skills may have been obtained via education/qualifications, hobbies, experience or simply learned via the Internet. I think they should share this awesomeness via BLOGS or VLOGS (Video logs).
I am generalising a bit but if you ask any young person what they want to be when they grow up it is a “Famous YouTube Star” (YouTube is watched more that TV was when I was young) . The digital native generation did not grow up around the TV and aspire to be on young talent time. The younger digital natives have grown up watching every day people on YouTube doing normal or not so normal things.
The quickest way to get a following on YouTube is to be yourself and share what you do. If you don’t like being in front of a video camera then start a blog.
I know my kids like watching Casey Neistat, Cody’s Lab, The Slow Mo Guys, the hydraulic press channel and aquachigger all of these people just started out sharing their hobbies. The YouTube guy AvE simply tears stuff apart in a shed to learn how stuff is made. YouTube Colin Furze makes stuff.
Who Shares
Check out this list of popular YouTube channels. Other professional YouTube channels I watch are Linus Tech Tips, In a Nutshell, Cody’s Lab or Smarter Every Day.
You don’t need to be perfect to start blogging or vlogging you just need to start, be consistent and be yourself.
People can quite easily make a living making good YouTube videos. Lamborghini anyone? Here is an honest breakdown of a YouTube stars revenue and strategy on with the 10 richest YouTubers of 2016.
Why share
Become an expert. Who else do you know that knows what you know. What do you want to be remembered for doing? Skills and passion are only gained through practice and commitment.
Blogging or vlogging may lead to future things. Think of blogging as networking, Sharing allows you to network with like-minded people.
Most people are experts at something and what you do is interesting (do you like making soap, bee keeping, gardening, keeping ant farms, fishing, belly dancing, electronics, etc).
Watching YouTube videos allows you to learn about the immune system, elements, physics, density and crushing stuff, applying makeup, hairstyles or even cooking Indian food.
My very digital mother often jokes she learnt how to build a house on YouTube. Sharing content allows others to learn what you know and you will find new stuff to learn. AstroPhysics anyone?
You can also use blogging or vlogging as a form of marketing by sharing news about your product or service to increase sales. I love this guy who shares the knowledge of how he makes nixie tubes. Sharing had increased his sales big time.
Maintaining a blog or vlog allows you to practice your passion whatever it is. I know a person who ran a fiction blog and built a nice community across the globe. They gained life long friends, shared their passion and have had the privilege of reading and giving early feedback on a small fiction book called Fifty Shades of Grey.
You might think what you do is boring but for others it may be fascinating. Repurpose your knowledge.
When you create a new blog post or record a VLOG video you will cement what you know and put into practice what you think you know. When you have a blog or VLOG you can easily obtain feedback from comments you may receive.
You can share information about software development, soap making, hairdressing, cooking, electronics or metal detecting etc.
I have a few videos online and even filmed myself making a cappuccino and repairing a computer hard drive with a soldering iron. Half the reason I blog is to share what I have learned.
Tools for Blogging.
You can use a Web based blogging engine like WordPress, WordPress is free if you host it yourself (you can use a free theme) or you can pay WordPress to host your blog for as low as $4 a site per month. You can edit WordPress blog posts with a desktop or mobile interface. Blogging is the easiest way to share (you are reading a blog now). My brother has been blogging for a while and my friend has a regular blog that is funny.
Tools for Vlogging
You will need (video)
- An inexpensive camera (Webcam, GoPro, camcorder or smartphone (with a camera) ).
- Video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or free software. Read my quick guide on using Adobe Premiere Pro or learn to make videos here.
- A smartphone holder clamp from eBay and a tripod.
- Some sort of computer to edit the video (maybe the device you are using)?
- An internet connection to upload your videos.
- Caffeine while making the video or blog post
You will need to decide on the style of video (the best way is to watch other videos and imitate), there are loads of YouTube videos on making videos.
If you don’t want to learn video editing software you can live stream videos to Facebook or Periscope from a smartphone (record and share in one step) . Free background music can be found here to help lift your video.
Don’t be afraid of sounding boring. You don’t have to speak if you don’t want too. This man shared how to make cat food videos.
IMHO: Once your channel becomes popular you will need a video intro.
How Often
To gain more viewers you will need to post new content every few days. This can be a challenge but when you start the ideas come thick and fast. Record often and have footage and b roll footage ready.
What to Share
- Whatever you do/know or want to share.
- Answer questions people ask. This video has 10 million views and the video was created from a comment to a pre opus video.
- Look for others for inspiration.
- Share a part of your day (or products or services)
- How to make cat food (already done).
Where to Share.
Share on Youtube or on a Blog (on your website or wordpress.com), live streaming from Facebook or Periscope.
Shameless Plug
Here are my blogs and infrequent Vlogs. Here is my main blog and side blog, Here is my first video that included my son who won me a computer motherboard in the process.
A friend in the United States sent me this video about “the fun of doing” and “you won’t do until you start”.
It is s good idea to capture your content as you do it or think of it, don’t make it a chore. Use tools at hand (mobile apps or smartphones). Don’t make it harder than it has to be.
Iterate in public
Don’t aim to release a perfect piece of content, release content early, revise or add to it as you think of new things.
You can enable monetization on youtube or insert ads on your WordPress website to warn a bit of cash.
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