Here is a quick setup guide for where you can connect to and post (manually or scheduled) to multiple social media platforms.
You can view pricing here. You can signup for a free Buffer Individual plan: Signup to Buffer (Free, Limited)
Post Signup Setup
Connect Buffer to Social Media Platforms
Type post content
Change the default image
Choose the platforms and images
Schedule the Post
You can manually share to a platform at any time.
TIP: If you share now you will need to manually share on each platform separately.
Buffer features I like
- Good Free Plan
- Post Scheduling
- Image Creation Integration (Paid)
- Reply integration (Paid)
- Manage all your social accounts from one simple dashboard
- Ability to set custom posting slots.
Buffer features I Don’t like
- Manual Share to all feature missing.
- Timezones earlier than US Timezones appear to be untouchable (my Timezone is set)
Buffer FAQ’s:
Tip: Create custom posting slots
More soon (reply automation and image creation).
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Revision History
v1.1 Added Posting Slots Info