This post is for Telstra (to help a 10+-week investigation into Telstra NBN issues).
This post has been split up to make this page load faster: Read [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
Unresolved Issues with Telstra
- Telstra promised Fibre to the premises but delivered fibre to the node (deceptive bait and switch?)
- Data stability issues remain.
- TIO deadline (16th of August) passed 7 days ago (no resolution). Still waiting for assistance for the TIO (at least 6-week wait from the TIO ticket creation)
- Telstra deadline passed (23rd August) with no resolution.
- Escalating Federally (Federal cannot help until the TIO case is closed, Telstra will not close TIO case)
- Telstra added a 2-week deadline to transfer the phone line (phone line back).
- Have I been blacklisted by Telstra 13 22 00 support number (and reps says talk to your case manager)
- Data stability issues remain
I was already with NBN (FTTN, ISP Name redacted) on a 50/20 Megabit plan and Telstra promised fibre to the house (FTTP) instead of FTTN and this is what happened (still unfolding…).
Telstra NBN (FTTN)
You can read my change over from ADSL 2 to NBN posts here. I was paying for a 50 Megabit Down and 20 Megabit up plan and it was not very after 5 months. I am not into torrenting unless downloading essential Raspberry Pi images or Linux ISO images. I needed a faster and more reliable internet connection and phone line.
My landline was down for 30 days and because I had a stroke recently (all good touch wood) a working phone line is very important. My previous provider said they can’t escalate issues unless the data line is completely down. Some days the internet was fine other days it was terrible.
I was sent a number of routers from my previous ISP to try an diagnose the dead landline and bad NBN speeds.
I was sick of the poor speeds of FTTN NBN. I was frequently talking to my previous NBN provider and had to perform daily router reboots. Some days NBN 50 Megabit seemed like being on a modem on a good day or ADSL1 on a bad day.
All support calls with my previous ISP support usually went one of two ways
- We cannot escalate this issue (dead landline/slow data speeds) to NBN because your router is “syncing” (all be it slowly and with a dead landline).
- We will send you a new router (mostly with experimental firmware?).
The landline stopped working and we got used to rebooting the router multiple times a day.
NBN is having troubles?
NBN woes signal boom in fixed wireless broadband internet (1 in l 6 NBN connections fail.
1st Telstra Inquiry
On the 30th June 2018, I chatted with Telstra to investigate Telstra NBN options.
General Info |
Duration (actual chatting time) | 00:40:54 |
Operator | TelstraOperator (real name redacted) |
Telstra Chat Transcript (*** = “*** removed delayed replies for readability ***”. Some numbers have been pre redated by Telstra?, Telstra Typo’s not corrected.)
P.S The real name provided by the Telstra Operator has been replaced with TelstraOperator (as I promised to hide names when asking for permission to post the conversation on my blog).
fyi: Alison and myself (Simon) are married.
> Info: Thank you for choosing Telstra 24×7 Live Chat. A representative will be with you shortly. At the conclusion of your chat please take a few moments to give us some feedback on your experience today.
> Info: All agents are currently assisting others. Thank you for your patience.
> Info: You are now chatting with TelstraOperator.
> TelstraOperator: Welcome to Telstra, this is TelstraOperator one of the sales representatives. How may I help you today?
> TelstraOperator: Hello Alison how are you?
> Alison: (***Asked about switching NBN to Telstra***)
> Alison: Do you we need to leave the current provider or can we transfer?
> TelstraOperator: Could you please provide me your account /home number with complete name and Date of birth? I will quickly have a look.
> …
> Alison: (*** I provided my addresss ***)
> Alison: (*** I provided my landline ***)
>TelstraOperator: I Thought you are existing Telstra customer
> Alison: Telstra mobile but (Previous ISP Name) phone
> Alison: We want the phone and nbn to be on Telstra with mobile number
> …
> TelstraOperator: Thank you for the address, and yes while palcing the order you will get a option to enter your deatails, so our team will cancel your current broadband plan and switch to Telstra.
> Alison: Nice
> TelstraOperator: Thank you, (Please allow me a moment while i check the same in our system.)
> Alison: Ok
> Alison: I have an optus phone I am willing to switch ove too
> Alison: Over
> TelstraOperator: Greta, yes you can switch your number as well with us.
> TelstraOperator: After running the serviceability check it was found that Telstra will be able to provide you service via NBN which is the fastest fiber optic based technology we offer, and with our NBN plan you will get 50 mbps speed .
> Alison: Are you sure it’s fibre optic?
> TelstraOperator: Great! Based on the information you have provided today, I would like to offer you _ our $79 plan for ***** gb data per month + new smart modem free , and pay as you go calls, however if you want the cals so you can add our calling pack any time for $10 unlimited loclam national ,Aus mobile calls .
> TelstraOperator: And yes its a fibre optic .
> Alison: Our nbn at present is copper vdsl
> Alison: sounds great
> Alison: Do we pay extra to upgrade our house line to fibre from copper?
> TelstraOperator: Thank you, and like to
> TelstraOperator: iNFORM*
> TelstraOperator: Like to inform*
> Alison: What deals can we get with a landline phone, nbn 50/20/***** and 1 or 2 mobiles a month?
> Alison: Sounds good, thanks
> TelstraOperator: After sign up our $79 plan our team will come to your place to set up our service for you,and there is only one time fee of $99 for activtion feeand this fee will be add on your firts bill , so no need to pay any thing right now , and this fee will cover all like set up , line connection technical team visiting etc.
> TelstraOperator: And yes on $79 plan you can add mobile plan as well any time .
> …
> Alison: Can you double check please the fibre optic, is this to the house or nbn cabinet?
> TelstraOperator: Sur
> TelstraOperator: sure*
> Alison: Can I share these awesome details on my blog? So sick of (*** Previous ISP Name ***) NBN
> TelstraOperator: Thank you for waiting, as I have checked and confirm with my team as well, so yes fibre optic its availabl.
> TelstraOperator: Order Processing You will have to place an order from the Telstra website itself, I will help you with the process whenever you are ready.
> Alison: fibre to the house?
> …
> TelstraOperator: Yes , You can connect to the nbn™ network via Fibre to the Curb technology.
> TelstraOperator: Fibre.
> Alison: Oh, so it’s not fibre to the house but copper from the house to the node then fibre the exchange from the node
> TelstraOperator: Yes, but do noty worry.
> TelstraOperator: As I have inform you
> Alison: yes fibre or copper from the house? Huge differences.
> TelstraOperator: That after signup the plan our team will come to your place to do all teh set up from your streret to your house
> TelstraOperator: With a fibre .
> Alison: Sorry to be a pain and ask for clarification but it’s copper from the house to the node not fibre. Answers being blogged here for other to read
> TelstraOperator: I understand it’s been an inconvenience and I’m sorry., but let me explain .
> Alison: Not sure it’s legal for you to say I can get fibre nbn when it’s copper to the node?
> TelstraOperator: As I have inform that our team will set up the service from your street to your home, it means our team will do the new cabling from your strtyee to your home, of fibre .
> Alison: FttN or FttC
> TelstraOperator: For thaat reason only there is one time fee of $99 .
> Alison: Awesome
> Alison: Do we pay for the fibre from our house to the street? Our driveway is 80m long
> …
> Alison: Nice, based on your advice of new fibre and price, we will signup ASAP, do you have a reference number we can use to lock this in?
> TelstraOperator: Thank you we can sign up the plan now as well
> TelstraOperator: And after sign u p the plan our team will call you with i 24 hours for the confirmatoin.
> TelstraOperator: Order Processing You will have to place an order from the Telstra website itself, I will help you with the process whenever you are ready.
> Alison: I need to confirm we can exit our nbn plan from the current provider first
> Alison: do you have a reference number for this chat?
> Info: The chat transcript will be sent to: [email protected] at the end of your chat.
> : ThatTelstraOperator’s fine , no worries please take your time,and once your ready so please feel free to chat back with us
> TelstraOperator: I hope I have replied all your queries successfully?
> Alison: It has, awesome news tekstea
> Alison: telstra
> TelstraOperator: Thank you,I have a small favour to ask.
> TelstraOperator: It has been a pleasure serving you, please take a few moments to give us some feedback on your experience today. Please Initiate the End Chat Session Now, by clicking the (+) sign, and Select the ‘End Chat Conversation’ and you can also get a copy of our chat transcript by selecting ‘Email Transcript’ button.
> TelstraOperator: Thank you,I am glad I was able to assist. Is there anything else I could help you with today?
> Alison: Yep, can I share this info on my personal blog? happy to blur out names.
> TelstraOperator: yes of cource you camn
> Info: The chat transcript will be sent to: [email protected] at the end of your chat.
> TelstraOperator: can*
> …
- TelstraOperator: Great! Based on the information you have provided today, I would like to offer you _ our $79 plan for ***** gb data per month + new smart modem free , and pay as you go calls, however if you want the cals so you can add our calling pack any time for $10 unlimited loclam national ,Aus mobile calls .
- TelstraOperator: And yes its a fibre optic .
- Alison: Do we pay extra to upgrade our house line to fibre from copper?
- Alison: Can you double check please the fibre optic, is this to the house or nbn cabinet?
- TelstraOperator: Thank you for waiting, as I have checked and confirm with my team as well, so yes fibre optic its availabl.
- Alison: fibre to the house?
- TelstraOperator: As I have inform that our team will set up the service from your street to your home, it means our team will do the new cabling from your strtyee to your home, of fibre .
- Alison: Do we pay for the fibre from our house to the street? Our driveway is 80m long
- Alison: Nice, based on your advice of new fibre and price, we will signup ASAP, do you have a reference number we can use to lock this in?
I was left thinking that I was being offered fibre to the house (FTTP – fibre laid up my driveway).
Telstra promise of Fibre (FTTN)?
Street to the house cabling (Fibre).
Fibre to the house sounds awesome.
Exiting my contact with my previous ISP
I asked my previous ISP to release me from the contract I was in (given the ongoing issues)
My previous ISP called and said that I can leave the contract 🙂
2nd Telstra Inquiry (and switchover to FTTN)
On the 3rd of July 2018, I contacted Telstra Chat to confirm fibre again and to switch over if it was fibre.
General Info |
Duration (actual chatting time) | 00:47:30 |
Operator | TelstraOperator (real name redacted) |
Telstra Chat Transcript (*** = “*** removed delayed replies for readability ***”. Some numbers have been pre redated by Telstra?, Telstra Typo’s not corrected.)
P.S The real name provided by the Telstra Operator has been replaced with TelstraOperator (as I promised to hide names when asking for permission to post the conversation on my blog).
> Info: Thank you for choosing Telstra 24×7 Live Chat. A representative will be with you shortly. At the conclusion of your chat please take a few moments to give us some feedback on your experience today.
> Info: You are now chatting with TelstraOperator.
> TelstraOperator: Welcome to Telstra, this is TelstraOperator one of the sales representatives. How may I help you today?
> TelstraOperator: Hello Simon , how are you?
> Simon Fearby: Hello, (Previous ISP Name Redacted) just said I can exit a 50/20 NBN contract early so I can switch to Telsta NBN (Connect Plus)
> Simon Fearby: Shall I cancel with (Previous ISP Name Redacted) then signup with Telstra to make things smoother or transfer and have Telstra pull the number etc?
> TelstraOperator: That’s good to know, and good choice of plan, Sure I Telstra sure provide teh service,and Telstra will cancel yourt current (Previous ISP Name Redacted) plan as well .
> TelstraOperator: While placing the order you will get a option to enter your (Previous ISP Name Redacted) details
> Simon Fearby: So I should signup with Telstra, enter address and number and then have Telstra pull services then call (Previous ISP Name Redacted) to ensure all is cancelled?
> Simon Fearby: Nice.
> TelstraOperator: Yes corret .
> TelstraOperator: Can I have your complete address to perform a serviceability check for you?
> Simon Fearby: I cant wait, Telstra’s service sounds great.
> Simon Fearby: (*** I provided my addresss ***)
> TelstraOperator: Thank you, in our $79 plan you will gte ***** gb data per month+ new smart modem free , no calls included , however if you want the calls so you can add our $10 calling pack for ulnimited local, natioanl ,Aus mobile calls .
> Simon Fearby: Thanks
> Simon Fearby: We dont make many calls. 🙂
> Simon Fearby: So we signup online?
> TelstraOperator: After running the serviceability check it was found that Telstra will be able to provide you service via NBN which is the fastest fiber optic based technology we offer, and with our NBN $79 plan you will gte 50 mbps speed.
> Simon Fearby: Do we pay extra for fibre to be installed?
> TelstraOperator: Once the order will be placed, soon you will receive an email and SMS about the package details. The plan/bundle will be activated in your account within 5 to 7 business working days based upon cabling work required . The necessary devices will be sent within 5-7 business working days, and if you want in urgent so while placing the order you can select connect me soon option.
> TelstraOperator: NO , There is only one time cost for $99 for activtion fee, and thsi fee will be add on your First bill so no need to pay any thing right now , and this fee will cover all like set up, line connectiojn , technical team visiting etc.
> Simon Fearby: Thanks for your information, this has made me decide switch 🙂
> TelstraOperator: Great, Order Processing You will have to place an order from the Telstra website itself, I will help you with the process whenever you are ready.
> Simon Fearby: Will do tonight.
> Simon Fearby: Thanks TelstraOperator
> TelstraOperator: Sure, but I like to suggest to go right now
> TelstraOperator: Because I will be there online for you
> Simon Fearby: go and get connected?
> TelstraOperator: So if you stuck in ay question so i can help you
> …
> TelstraOperator: So you can sign up the plan any time .
> Simon Fearby: Just to confirm we dont need to pay for the fibre optic trench form the cabinet to the house up our driveway?
> TelstraOperator: No need to pay any extra
> TelstraOperator: The $99 wil cover all.
> TelstraOperator: will *
> Simon Fearby: Im happy to switch now, just got the ok.
> TelstraOperator: Awesome, so shall we go a head to sign up the $79 plan ?
> Simon Fearby: Yep.
> TelstraOperator: Sure captain .
> TelstraOperator:
> Simon Fearby: Lets do this
> …
> TelstraOperator: please visit the above link to sign up the $79 p;lan
> Simon Fearby: done
> TelstraOperator: After visit the link, please enter your address.
> Simon Fearby: I can self install
> TelstraOperator: Yes
> : You have to select self install option.
> TelstraOperator: When you click ‘select’, it will take you to the online order form. You will have to fill the details and pass me the Order Reference Number that is generated after the order is placed successfully for further processing.
> Simon Fearby: doing now 🙂
> Simon Fearby: Whats “Registered Priority Assistance customer.”?
> TelstraOperator: Sure,please take your time, and once you done, please pass me the order id munnuimber for the further process, and Thank you. I am there online in case you need any help.
> TelstraOperator: We offer Priority Assistance which is a free service designed to help customers who have (or are living with someone who has) a diagnosed life threatening medical condition and whose life may be at risk without access to a fully operational phone service. Eligible customers can register for Priority Assistance and we will install a Priority Assistance customer’s first home phone line at their address as quickly as possible.
> Simon Fearby: just confirming phone bundle
> TelstraOperator: Yes
> Simon Fearby: can i select the $10 unlimited calls option later?
> TelstraOperator: yes of cource
> Simon Fearby: “Yes, with another service provider and I want to switch to Telstra” = (Previous ISP Name Redacted)?
> TelstraOperator: you can add the add on stuiff any time .
> TelstraOperator: Stuff*
> Simon Fearby: nice
> TelstraOperator: Yes correct ,and enter your (Previous ISP Name Redacted) details.
> Simon Fearby: “Connection Type” = Cable Other?
> TelstraOperator: please select other .
> TelstraOperator: As part of your service, your name, address and phone number will be published in the printed and online White Pages directories and available from Directory Assistance. If you don’t want your details published, we offer a private number service called Silent Line free per month. We’ll also block your number so that when you call others they won’t be able to see your number. It’s important to know that a Silent Line alone won’t stop all telemarketing or unwanted calls. Would you like a silent Line?
> TelstraOperator: As part of the Telstra family it’s important to know all the best ways you can make changes and view your account online. Your first stop for all things related to your account is My Account found at: Here you can view your accounts, current invoices and make change requests to your accoun
> TelstraOperator: The whole process takes anywhere from 5 to 7 business days to get you connected after you sign-up.
> TelstraOperator: You won’t be charged for any excess broadband usage, however your speed will be shaped to 256 kbps for that month or until you do a data top-up.
> TelstraOperator: Your Telstra Technician will call when they’re on their way. Please allow around 4 to 5 hours for your appointment. You must have : an authorised representative on your account on site and available during your appointment(s), access to all work areas (including any required work permits), access to any service configuration emails that we’ve sent you, access to any relevant usernames and passwords. If your installation requires any non-standard services or equipment, your technician will discuss your options and let you know any extra costs before commencing work.
> TelstraOperator: We offer the option to connect to the nbn network if you’re confident with installing your own devices and if your home set-up is fairly simple, this would be the ‘Self Install’ option. If a standard Professional Installation/ tech visit is required, there will be a charge of $240 (one off). The $240/standard Professional Installation/ tech visit fee is available on a 12 month service repayment option. Additional costs will apply if you have complex cabling requirement
> Simon Fearby: DONE.
> TelstraOperator: There must be a working phone line/cable in the property for Telstra to provide services. If cabling is required, additional charges may incur.
> TelstraOperator:
> TelstraOperator: The above link its for our $79 Critiacl info summary , so you can go throuigh it any time .
> Simon Fearby: how do i pay?
> TelstraOperator: you will get a bil after 30 days .
> Simon Fearby: What about $99 setup fee?
> TelstraOperator: It will add on your First bill.
> TelstraOperator: And from second montyh it will be $79 per month .
> Simon Fearby: Nice.
> Simon Fearby: When will the fibre be connected to the house and router turn up?
> TelstraOperator: After sig up the plan our team will come to your place to set up our service for you, and our team will call you with in 24 hours for the confirmation.
> Simon Fearby: Thanks
> TelstraOperator: Thank you, once you done please pass me the order number /
> Simon Fearby: Today?
> Simon Fearby: So I check email?
> Simon Fearby: ########
> Simon Fearby: What’s next? We’ll process your request within 24-48 hours and contact you to clarify details of your order if required. Your order Order reference number: NA########
> TelstraOperator: NO , OUR team will create a pass word them you can checked the email .
> Simon Fearby: thanks, so that is?
> TelstraOperator: Fantastic,thank you for the order id number, soon you will receive an email and SMS about the package details. and one call fro our team with in 24 hours for the confirmation.
> …
> TelstraOperator: Just to summarise what you have purchased today our $79 copnnet plus plan with NBN
> TelstraOperator: My account As part of the Telstra family it’s important to know all the best ways you can make changes and view your account online. Your first stop for all things related to your account is My Account found at: Here you can view your accounts, current invoices and make change requests to your account.
> TelstraOperator: CrowdSupport If you have further questions about your services in the future, I also recommend visiting our crowdsupport page at: This is a digital community providing support and answers to a list of commonly asked questions by our customers. Have a browse and ask a question, there are no bad questions.
> Simon Fearby: Yes, with pay as you go phone.
> TelstraOperator: I hope I have replied all your queries successfully?
> TelstraOperator: Yes correct .
> Simon Fearby: Thanks, can I tell my friends on blog how awesome Telstra are?
> Simon Fearby:
> TelstraOperator: YES please .
> Simon Fearby: Thanks
> …
> TelstraOperator: It has been a pleasure serving you, please take a few moments to give us some feedback on your experience today. Please Initiate the End Chat Session Now, by clicking the (+) sign, and Select the ‘End Chat Conversation’ and you can also get a copy of our chat transcript by selecting ‘Email Transcript’ button.
> …
> TelstraOperator: Thank you for visiting Telstra, have a nice day.
> TelstraOperator: After running the serviceability check it was found that Telstra will be able to provide you service via NBN which is the fastest fiber optic based technology we offer, and with our NBN $79 plan you will gte 50 mbps speed.
> Simon Fearby: Do we pay extra for fibre to be installed?
> Simon Fearby: Just to confirm we dont need to pay for the fibre optic trench form the cabinet to the house up our driveway?
> Simon Fearby: When will the fibre be connected to the house and router turn up?
Again I was expecting Fibre to the house.
Continue onto Part 2
WiFi Research
I found this Telstra Wifi Page:
I Downloaded the Telstra Home Dashboard App
House Plan
My Wifi Speeds
Related Links
- ACCC report on NBN speed show some customers aren’t getting what they paid for.
- NBN Co considering mechanisms to slow down heavy NBN users (Gamers)? Will Netflix users be next? This sounds like modem dial-up days and low quotas again 🙁
- Better Internet For Rural, Regional And Remote Australia (BIRRR) volunteers helping fix NBN connections – IT Wire
- NBN backflips on 1 gigabit speed promise
- Telstra’s full-year profit falls 8pc to $3.6 billion as NBN rollout erodes business
- Telstra offers to compensate 42,000 customers for slow NBN speeds
- NBN came in like a wrecking ball, and worse is to come
- TIO Complaint Handling Procedure
- Telstra expects $300m income hit from NBN delays
- NBN Co’s build costs rise $2bn, 1.2m premises delayed
Revision History
V8.2 TIO case closed.
V8.1 upload limit removed by Telstra Specialist.
V8.0 Telstra confirmed that NBN visited last week and fixed a fault. Also 14Mb upload OK ok.
V8.0 slow upload speeds remain
V7.9 slow upload speed
V7.8 unscheduled technician visit while I was out.
V7.7 third plan restart?
V7.6 remote fix scheduled.
V7.5 technician visit booked.
V7.4 Update 4th October 2018.
V7.3 the TIO called and asked that the remaining issue is? (I said dropouts, slow uploads and fluctuating speeds). New Telstra case manager will be assigned.
V7.2 slow speeds
V7.1 Upload speeds now 14Mb (20% lower)
V7.0 Created Part 5 (Part 4 was too slow to edit on mobile)
V6.9 the Internet is going down a lot tonight, 6x already.
V6.8 NBN went down, I called Telstra and the automated voice said they can’t find a NBN plan attached to our landline.
V6.7 data slow again?
V6.6 landline back, data stable, no FTTP. Case over?
V6.5 landline and data are back but no services are listed in our account.
V6.4 Telstra landline is still dead, data-poor. Talked to Teksta and they cancelled our contract and will reconnect in 6 days.
V6.5 silent case manager.
V6.5 reconnection date changed to 27/9/2018.
V6.4 reconnection date changed to 1/10/2018
V6.3 dead landline still.
V6.2 dead landline and unstable speeds again.
V6.1 router is working video, why send a tech.
V6.0 Local Telstra technician tried to visit (Telstra did not call him to cancel the call). Again Telstra need a working CRM.
V5.9 I requested a new case manager.
V5.8 Telstra cancelled todays technician visit (news to me), Telstra rescheduled to next month.
V5.7 Telstra CEO blocked me.
V5.6 I advised Telstra of the days I will be home for NBN to visit again. Waiting for confirmation.
V5.5 TIO said they cant help for a few more weeks, Telstra NBN visit appointment issues.
V5.4 Being booted of NBN so they can reconnect us with the old number.
V5.3 Mandatory Telstra visit required to port a landline.
V5.2 Telstra replied to the query about $40/mobthly landline BILL (needed to port our landline)
V5.1 TIO office and asked Telstra to send a bill.
V5.0 Re-adding advertisements to this blog post to help pay for my mobile data.
V4.9 Splitting the guide into 4 parts (it is too long and I can’t edit on my phone).
V4.8 CEO comments
V4.7 microchip details invalid.
V4.6 two more weeks to wait.
V4.5 two months on
V4.4 deadlines passed, escalating.
V4.3 FTTN running very slowly.
V4.2 my desire for FTTP is my fault?
V4.1 Error porting number.
V4.0 50/20 FTTN is back up.
V3.9 replacement router received.
V3.8 Donated $10 USD to the Electronic Frontier Foundation – The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation (to cover any revenue gained from an ad’s in the post sidebar (no ads are in the header or content).
V3.7 Telstra CEO replied on Twitter.
V3.6 TIO added link to Complaint Handling Procedure.
V3.5 mobile quota update.
V3.4 Weekend with no Internet or phone.
V3.3 dead router, no internet or phone.
V3.2 todo factory reset router.
V3.1 No outages nearby
V3.0 No Internet.
V2.9 TIO resolution time expired.
V2.8 TIO complaint update.
V2.7 no reply from Telstra today, added profit fall link.
V2.6 early update on the final day of TIO complaint
V2.5 3pm speed test added.
V2.4 Telstra called.
v2.3 Added WiFi MAp and Telstra call details.
V2.2 added 100/40 FTTN 6am speed test
V2.1 added 100/40 FTTN night speeds.
V2.0 added 100 Mbit FTTN
V1.9 Telstra were in touch.
V1.8 added lunchtime speed test.
V1.7 added backflip link on 1gb speeds
v1.6 Instability and dropouts tonight
v1.5 Complaint is back to the Executive Customer Contact Team 🙁
v1.4 NBN Co to slow down heavy NBN users?
v1.3 added requested speed test
v1.2 speed test falling well below 50Mb.
v1.1 Telstra received my TIO complaint.
v1.0 Escalated to ACCC and Telecommunication Ombudsman
v0.99 update 2nd August 2018
v0.98 added Links section
v0.97 Escalated to Telstra “Escalated Complaints Group”
v0.96 Next update in 2 days.
v0.95 escalated to Executive Complaints Team
v0.94 added Telstra link
v0.93 added 2nd phone update.
v0.92 added update re phone line.
v0.91 added nbn issues article
v0.9 Draft Post