It is possible to deploy a server in minutes to hours but it can take days to secure. What tools can you use to help identify what to secure on your website?
I have a number of guides on moving hasting away form CPanel, Setting up VM’s on AWS, Vultr or Digital Ocean along with installing and managing WordPress from the command line, installing a Free SSL certificate and setting up SSL security.
Security Tools
- is a good tool for quick scanning
- Kali Linux has a number of security tools you can use.
- You can run a system audit Lynis Audit.
- Checking your site for vulnerabilities with Zap.
- Run a Gravity Scan malware and supply chain scan
- Use Qualys SSL scan to test your SSL certificate:
Qualys SSL Labs SSL Tester is the best tool for checking an SSL certificate strength
Most people don’t know Qualys also has another free (limited to 10 scans) vulnerability scanner for websites.
Goto and click Start your free account.
Complete the signup form
Now check your email to login and confirm your email account
Login now from the email.
Create a password (why the 25 char max Qualys?)
Enter your website URL and click Scan
The scan can take hours
While the scan was being performed I noticed that Qualys offers alerts (I’ll check this out later):
Yes, the scan can take hours, take a walk or read other posts here.
The scan is almost complete
Yay, my latest scan revealed 0 High, 0 Medium and 0 Low-risk vulnerabilities.
It did report 23 informational alerts like “Firewall Detected“.
Threat Report Results
Patch Report Results
This report was empty (probably because I don’t run Windows)
Threat Report Results
The OWASP report contained partial scan results (maybe the full report is available to pro users)
Previous Scan Results
The Qualys dashboard will show all past scans.
My first scan showed a Low priority issue with the /wp-login.php page as the input fields did not have “autocomplete=”off””, I fixed this by adding “autocomplete=”off”” the removing the page (safer).
The second scan found two issues with cookies (possibly ad banner cookies) and 2 subfolders that I created in past development exercises. I deleted the two sub-folders that were not needed.
The third scan was clean.
Here is a scan of a static website of a friends server (static can be less secure if the server underneath is old or unpatched).
Happy scanning. I hope this guide helps someone.
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Revision History
v1.1 Static Web Server Scan
v1.0 Initial post